It never ceases to amaze me that, for almost a full year now, you have been reading these messages. I don't know that I wouldn't have gotten bored with them after the first month :P.
We've had an interesting week. We had four zone conferences this week. The Assistants went to two and we went to two. President gave the majority of the instruction, but wanted somebody there to help him show his plan in a role-playing situation, which is the real reason why we went. We felt the Spirit strongly in the conference and I always left having learned something new, although I heard the same instruction 3 times. All is going well. :)
I have seen miracles this week, especially in the offices. I finished all of the largest, most important pending business on Monday so I could go to the conferences on Tuesday and Wednesday without problem. Thursday I finished the last bit and Friday I was free to organize my computer a bit more. It was truly a blessing to have that opportunity.
On the other hand, we have started to see great challenges in the area. We saw the miracle of an investigator beginning to progress and understand how the Gospel can help her find the peace she wants in her life. We also saw, sadly, another investigator who can't understand that the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has everything that he's been looking for for SO long. He wants the Melchizedek Priesthood, he wants the opportunity to work with angels, he wants to be a missionary, but he can't see, no matter what we say, that this church has all of that. We have an appointment with him tonight and I hope it goes better. Another that has read the Pearl of Great Price and also believes it is true, but doesn't accept that the church can help her return with God. My parents are going to see the play "A Tale of Two Cities" and it feels like the opening lines of that play right now: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way." I hope all goes well.
I am growing to love the people here even more. I said in my talk when I left (almost a year ago now) that the center of the Church and the Gospel is Love. I affirm that truth. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is centered on Love. One time an interpreter of the Law asked the Master what he should do to obtain eternal life. The Savior returned the question to him and he answered, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your might, and with all your mind, and with all your strength; and love your neighbor as yourself. The Savior said that that was correct, do that and you will live. The very key to eternal life is Love! I am learning that more and more and I thought I would share that with you.
This week's letter is brought to you by the Children's Hymn I Feel My Savior's Love
I feel my Savior’s love
In all the world around me.
His Spirit warms my soul
Through ev’rything I see.
He knows I will follow him,
Give all my life to him.
I feel my Savior’s love,
The love he freely gives me.
I feel my Savior's love. I see it everywhere. I know He Lives and Loves me. I know that He has done and will do everything He can to help me grow, progress, and return with Him because He loves me. He does not seek power or authority over us, although he has it, but rather seeks to lift us to where He is. He wants us to be like Him and His Father. That is the great plan of happiness. That is the message of peace we bring. Peace in this life and exaltation in the life to come is available to all. Like the Savior said, Come and See. I have come and seen. I know that He is there and that this church has been established by Him to help us return to Him and be as He is.
All my Love,
Élder Sudbury
PS Melanie, I hope you are feeling better. Tim, have you decided what type of anesthesiologist you want to be? Zoë, I received your letter. Thank you :). I love you too. Ryan, sing on birdman ;). Matt and SalleeAnn, I expect to know the moment you get news on your program. Noella, I hope you get well soon from your tooth extraction. Ju & Chris, enjoy Boston, I expect details.
I love you all!!!
I feel my Savior's love. I see it everywhere. I know He Lives and Loves me. I know that He has done and will do everything He can to help me grow, progress, and return with Him because He loves me. He does not seek power or authority over us, although he has it, but rather seeks to lift us to where He is. He wants us to be like Him and His Father. That is the great plan of happiness. That is the message of peace we bring. Peace in this life and exaltation in the life to come is available to all. Like the Savior said, Come and See. I have come and seen. I know that He is there and that this church has been established by Him to help us return to Him and be as He is.
All my Love,
Élder Sudbury
PS Melanie, I hope you are feeling better. Tim, have you decided what type of anesthesiologist you want to be? Zoë, I received your letter. Thank you :). I love you too. Ryan, sing on birdman ;). Matt and SalleeAnn, I expect to know the moment you get news on your program. Noella, I hope you get well soon from your tooth extraction. Ju & Chris, enjoy Boston, I expect details.
I love you all!!!